Belly Bandit Bump Support Capri
Bump Support® Capri Leggings
You multitask. Shouldn’t your leggings?Why settle for one-dimensional maternity wear? Especially when there’s Bump Support® CapriLeggings – with a cross-functional design that energizes your legs, supports your belly andback, and – thanks to WonderWeave™ (a Belly Bandit® exclusive) – keeps stretch mark creamon your skin and off your clothes. Talk about having a leg up!
• WonderWeave™ material helps fight stretch marks by keeping lotion on your belly, not on yourclothes
• Built-in belly support
• Comfortably smoothes and shapes
• Stretches and recovers with your growing belly
• Targeted support, wear over the belly for support and stretch mark care or under the belly formaximum support
•Includes Palmers® 1.7oz. Massage Stretch Mark Lotion